Taylor Park Reservoir Operations
The most recent Taylor Park Reservoir update report uses July 1 forecast of 56,000 AF of runoff into Taylor Park Reservoir (57% of average).
The forecast dropped 1,000 AF from the June 15 forecast.
This runoff forecast puts the year type in the Dry Year category. In the Dry Year category there is no requirement for a spring peak release.
This operations plan shows the reservoir filling to a maximum seasonal content of 78,400 AF (74% full) at elevation 9315.15 ft. on June 20th. The projected end of October content is down to 52,300 AF.
This operations plan includes the changes to the release pattern discussed at the June 9th meeting. Releases from Taylor Park Reservoir are currently 300cfs. The next release change is tentatively set for July 20th with a reduction of 250 cfs.
Taylor Park Reports June 2021.
Erik Knight, Hydrologist, Western Colorado Area Office of the Bureau of Reclamation
Taylor Park was established to provide water to farmers in the Uncompahgre Valley. It is operated under contract by the Uncompahgre Valley Water Users Association (UVWUA). While Taylor Park Reservoir water still serves agricultural water users in the Uncompahgre Valley, a unique agreement enables the UVWUA to re-store water released from Taylor Reservoir in the Aspinall Unit (Blue Mesa Reservoir) prior to delivering it to farmers downstream.
Taylor Park Operations plan averages
Historical inflow to Taylor Park Reservoir
Link to Uncompahgre Valley Water Users Association UVWUA
More at the Bureau of Reclamation: Taylor Park Reservoir