Lower Gunnison Project (LGP) Status Update
Partially funded by the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP)
September 9, 2017
Dear LGP Partners,
We hope this RCPP email update finds you all well as we approach the fall season. We’ve got a lot going on these first few weeks in September with the submission of the full proposal request for 2017 RCPP funds, so we are going to keep this brief. (Please note that we may be contacting our lead individuals within our focus areas frequently next week by email, phone, text, smoke signal, etc., with requests for additional information or items in need of clarification for the proposal. So, if you see a message from Sonja or me, we’d appreciate hearing from you ASAP.) Thank you!
As always, if you have any questions regarding the updates, you know where to find us.
Click to read the full update for 9-9-16.